Gallery Spammage ...

The Best Laid Plans ...
last modified: Monday, January 26, 2009 (2:58:29 PM)
Heh. Well, you know how the saying goes, right? About the best laid plans often going awry? That's exactly what happened to me with my gallery plans, although I have to admit it doesn't come as much of a surprise to me. (LOL)

Life is busy right now. I volunteer three days a week at my daughter's school. I'm working on a first edit of the novel I finished in October. I started the second novel in the series. I have various other projects -- art and writing -- going at any one time. Plus all the day-to-day minutae of keeping the house running: laundry, cleaning up after the family unit, cooking meals, straightening, more laundry. (There's always a LOT of laundry! o_O) So, I figured: "Hey, here's a great idea! I'll only update my cel gallery once a month. That way, I won't waste time with small updates, and I'll have a dedicated time to work on my websites." It sounded good in theory.

In practice, not so much. Today, I broke down and added in what was sitting around. And it ended up being A LOT. This isn't even counting the back-up work I had to do: scanning each image, fixing the scans, resizing, making the thumbnails and large images for my RS gallery. In all, I've been working almost three days on this project. Three days! On something that, if I had done it as each bit came in, would have taken me about a day and a half, at the most. Then, when I finally got to RS to upload everything I realized I had forgotten to scan and resize a couple of things because they had been sitting around for so long. Also, I had forgotten a lot of the private information I like to include in the gallery for my own record-keeping purposes. Frustrating!

I guess it was a good experiment. I needed to try it out, just to see how well it would work for me. But now, I have to say: lesson learned. I'm going back to my old habits of updating willy-nilly as things come in, or as I get the time to do them. I suppose another old adage fits here quite nicely. If something ain't broke, don't fix it!! =D

<i>(As an aside: There's new stuff up today in Saiyuki, Rurouni Kenshin, and a HUGE wishlist cel in the Orphen section.)</i>
Ooooo!Monday, January 26, 2009 - 3:25:12 PM

Congratulations on landing that dream cel of over four years of drooling and pursuit and gazing and wishing... ^_^

And wow! I can always count on you to have the best Saiyuki out there! ^_^ And you share it so well! ~_^
Makes me wuv my widdle Saiyuki section more. "Yes, see? Someone else likes you too!"

You''re getting far more done than ~I~ am! Hang in there! Sounds like your novel writing is really coming along! I expect to be seeing that first book in the stores soon! ~_^

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Monday, January 26, 2009 - 3:49:31 PM

Thanks, Perv-chan! *GLOMS* You''re always way too kind to me, and I luv ''ya for it! Thanks so much for visiting the Saiyuki stuffs. I often think people feel I''m nuts for still wanting stuff from that show, but I love it. I was so excited over the Sanzo v. Rikudo set. And, the Orphen wishlist -- OMG!! "Dream cel" is really the best way to describe it. I''m so overjoyed with it. *dances & huggles cel* =D

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Monday, January 26, 2009 - 6:07:36 PM

Kudos Patti!! When you had mentioned had an Orphen wishlist coming in your last email (that I sadly have yet to reply to... so sorry) I had hoped it was that one!! Always wonderful to have a dream come true. Speaking of dreams, I am also happy to hear your already starting on the second book. Again sorry for not writing back yet, it is as you said best laid plans, lol!!

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Monday, January 26, 2009 - 6:18:50 PM

Heh. I''ve learned that planning my updates is never a good idea -- things end up sitting around for weeks or months, rather than being updated immediately. :)

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Monday, January 26, 2009 - 6:48:31 PM

amen, the laundry never ends.

very nice update. meh likes the saiyuki but you already knew that.
the megumi is stunning.

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Tuesday, January 27, 2009 - 5:43:11 PM

Thanks so much, you guys!! *gloms*

Otakusin: No worries on the email. As you know, I take FOREVER to send replies, too. (And sometimes forget, if things get buried in my inbox. *bad*) Thanks for the congrats on both the cel and starting the second book. Getting that particular cel is definitely a dream come true. But, the book ... the jury is still out on that. LOL!

Miss Z: LOL -- you are so right. It never pays to try and plan updates. In the back of my mind, I thought ... this probably won''t work ... and I was right. But, I''m glad I gave it a try. Now I know my old, ad hoc method of updating really was the right one for me. =P

Kira: Thanks!! OMG -- you are so right about the laundry. Why does it pile up so quickly? It''s one of life''s mysteries. Thanks for the kind words on the Saiyuki stuffage. I was thrilled with getting those, and dearly love them. And, thanks for visiting Megumi. I love that cel of her. For me, it really is the "perfect" one. =)

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Friday, January 30, 2009 - 10:35:51 PM

It''s so funny the same thing has been happening with me! I have time to change the outlook in my gallery but for some reason not to scan new cles/sketches and post those. Don''t worry about it! Just take your time. I still love looking at your Saiyuki Museum. ^-^

re: The Best Laid Plans ...Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 10:00:10 AM

LOL @ "Saiyuki Museum"! That cracks me up. Thanks so much LinaLON. I hope things are going well for you, even though it is busy. *hugs*