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Post-Christmas "Blues" ...
last modified: Saturday, December 27, 2008 (9:55:50 AM)
So, Christmas has come and gone once again. It seems like I spend so much time working up to the holiday: cookies to bake, dozens of presents to wrap, packages to mail, cards to make (and mail), shopping to finish, decorations to do, yadda, yadda, yadda. It never ends. Until, suddenly, Christmas is here. And, then, it seems like Christmas is "done" so quickly. Once my kiddo opens her presents and plays with her new toys, that's pretty much "it" for her holiday excitement. She's only five, and not old enough to appreciate the happiness/joy of being with her family. And, of course, by the time she is able to appreciate it, she'll be a teenager -- which means, of course, she won't appreciate it. Ah, such is the way of life. =P

My family and I had a quiet Christmas. Usually, we go to Texas to visit my extended family and my hubby's extended family. This year, that didn't work out for several reasons. I was a bit sad, as I really miss seeing my family. I don't have a large extended family, but we are pretty close. They are all getting together today at my mom's house for lunch and a day of visiting. I can picture everyone now -- telling all the stupid old stories about each other, talking way too loudly, and playing dominoes all day long. It makes me a bit sad thinking I won't be there. At the same time, I really enjoyed my quiet holiday at home. My hubby took some extra time off of work, so we have had several days to hang out and do things together. That would not have happened if we had traveled, since we would spend all of our time trying to please both sets of parents -- and, likely, not succeeding. Christmas does tend to come with a lot of emotional baggage. Everyone expects and wants everything to be "perfect". Well, their idea of "perfect".

Anyhow, it seems Christmas is over and done for another year. January looms with its forbidding promises of life introspection and resolutions I'll probably fail to keep. All of which leaves me feeling just a bit ... well, "eh". (For lack of a better word.) I decided to combat my own Christmas "blues" with a new RS layout. I had planned on loading it in January, but it seemed like I needed a mental breath of fresh air a bit sooner than expected.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I hope you were able to spend time with family and friends. And I hope the holidays brought special time and many blessings to each and every one of you. *hugs*

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 10:56:19 AM

Thanks so much for the Christmas card! If you read my RS blog, you''ll see I''m being a lazy bum about the whole Christmas cheer thing. I know how you feel, there''s always something kind of depressing about the holidays. I like the new layout. *hugs* Don''t worry, you''ll bounce back.

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Saturday, December 27, 2008 - 5:21:25 PM

Awwww, you''re welcome for the card, WC! It was a bit hard getting into the Christmas spirit this year, all around. (At least for me.) No worries on being a "lazy bum" (not that I think you are -- lol!). There were many years in the past when I didn''t send out Christmas cards. Just could not find the time or energy for them.

Thanks for the kind words on the new layout. I hope your Christmas was a good one, over all! *hugs*

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 8:27:40 AM

Over and above tangible gifts, the Christmas holiday is a present we give ourselves, at the very darkest and intrinsically depressing time of the year. That''s what Yuletide means, after all: "Jolly-time." It''s a shame when we try to make it more than that, into something that somehow magically reaffirms the way things are. As I understand the Christian take on it, the birth of the Child (which the Church piggybacked onto the Pagan "Feast of Sol the Invincible") doesn''t mean hurrah for the way it''s always been, but the start of something radically new. Which is, as you know, the way childbirth is: the nine months build to a spectacular event, then slowly it dawns on the lucky parents that this is just the start of decades of shepherding the Something New into an independent part of the larger world. That''s hard work -- but the decades would pass by anyhow, and would they be as worth living, even if they were for that reason less stressful?

Sorry, just a morning meditation before we leave to take our (lower-case) child to the train station at Wilmington.

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 9:28:23 AM

Ah -- all very true, Sensei. And all things I know in my heart, too. Unfortunately, these can all be things that are hard to remember, particularly when others around me place their own set of expectations on me -- difficult to deal with at any time, really.

I hope you have a good trip to the train station, and that your child-unit has a great trip back home. Thanks, as always, for sharing your thoughts. =)

"Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 1:17:43 PM

But... blue is my favorite color! ~_^

*HUGS* Got the card! You''re so sweeeet!
I''m a curmudgeon and didn''t do cards this year. Or lights. Or a tree. >.>
Hubby got his presents (like... three of them) in the cardboard boxes they came in the mail in. XD

Yeah. We totally failed this year on the Cheer.
I did, however, manage to get more dolls. Go figure. ^_^;; Such was my Christmas. And then it was back to work. Been working straight through since the 21st, with only the 25th off. At work right now in fact. *eyeroll* I get the 1st off next, and then it''s back to regular M-F. YAY!!!

O ya. Much excitement here. ~_^
We''ll all muddle through the best we can and enjoy what we enjoy. ^__^ There''s always a little SOMEthing we can look at and go: yeah, that was nice!

Okay...but...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 1:19:38 PM

"meh privates" just got me to giggling...

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 8:45:57 PM

*GLOMS Perv-chan* Believe me, if I didn''t have a little one at home, I would have probably failed at the whole Christmas cheer thing, too. Plus, it''s hard to be cheerful when you have to work a lot -- which it sounds like you have been! I hope you get some time off soon (other than your 1 day holiday, that is -- lol.) Yay for more dolls!! You need to post summore doll stories. I love those! Very merry late Christmas, my friend! *hugs*

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 8:54:06 PM

wow i know christmas was just here and overwith so quick. usually a local radio station plays christmas music a week after its overwith but nothing this year... kinda like it never happened... its like.. wow did it even happen?

well happy new year! :)

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 10:30:35 PM

Yeah my christmas was uneventful so I know how you feel! It felt like it was just another day off except with presents. I think alot of people and the economy make such big deals out of stupid things around the holidays that it sucks out the fun and excitement. What is truly important on christmas seems to be side-stepped by the need for presents (to give and receive)and the desperation for them that too sucks out the enjoyment of christmas. Stress adds alot to the pot as well. However, hopefully there were some good points and times during the day to put things back into prospective(sp?)

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Monday, December 29, 2008 - 8:27:26 AM

*Hugs* TC!! I hope you got my email ok. I hadn''t heard from you, so I wasn''t sure. ^_^ Everything has been so crazy around here with both boys losing their jobs and moving home. >_< Its been nice to have the grandkids around more, but too much of a good thing is hard on grandma. @_@ For me, Christmas is more of a Christian holiday, so we try and teach the girls the true meaning. I know what you mean about others expecting what they want, though. I have found that through the years, I let everyone celebrate how they want. Christmas is about family and friends - the ones we love. So, I guess that would mean you were a big part of my Christmas!! ^_^ Remember lady, no matter what time of the year it is - someone far away loves you!! ^_^ *Hugs*

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Monday, December 29, 2008 - 10:25:01 AM

The holidays are always nice to spend with family but the stress never seems to go away. It''s been a year and a half since I''ve been home to see my family. I was really exceited to see everybody but you know family, when they all get together, someone has to argue about something, or something doesn''t go exactly as planned and then people freak out... I''m having a great time at home but I''ll be happy to get back to my life in Nagoya.

I hope you''ve had a great Christmas aside from the pending blues that comes after. Hang in there and have a great new years!

re: Post-Christmas "Blues" ...Monday, December 29, 2008 - 8:36:20 PM

The post-Christmas let-down is kind of expected for me. It happens every year, mainly just because I''m tired after running around like a crazy woman for a couple of months previously. lolz In my family (and here I mean "extended family"), expectations don''t focus on material things, but on emotional aspects of the holiday. ("If you love me, you''ll find a way to come home to visit." or "If you love me, you''ll do ... *insert emotionally laden task here*") And those things can kind of make the holidays hard. This year, though, we were able to enjoy some peace and focus on what the holiday season truly means to us. That was a nice change. =)

Pudge: I did get your email!! I''m sorry -- I''ve been slow in replying to several emails. Things have been busy, although not as busy as at your house, I think! Hopefully, I can write tonight. I luvs ''ya, too! *huggles muchly*

Amy and LinaLoN: It sounds like you guys had OK holidays, overall -- even with the extra stress and materialism (something it''s impossible to get away from, sadly), and how the holiday came and went so quickly! I''m glad things are going basically OK for you guys. *hugs*

Rekka: Awesome that you were able to come "home" for a visit! I hope it went well, and I know how you feel about being ready to get back to your own place and your own life. =)