Gallery Spammage ...

Gobble! Gobble!
last modified: Friday, October 31, 2008 (12:29:52 PM)
I switched out my gallery's Halloween "costume" for a new Turkey Day outfit. It's a day earlier than I had planned on uploading, but I had some free time this afternoon. I'm not sure I will have any tomorrow, seeing as how it's Saturday (which means about a million errands and some fun "family time" with my hubby and daughter). Plus, NaNo starts tomorrow. So, I figured I had better finish up my few remaining "housekeeping" duties.

Tonight, I'll head out with the kiddo for a Halloween party + trick-or-treating with some friends. It should be fun. My little one will be going as Super Girl -- very cute, considering she's still wearing her pink cast. =P

I don't know about you guys, but I can't believe how quickly October has come and gone. It seems like this month has flown by. o_o

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!! =)
re: Gobble! Gobble!Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 12:36:17 AM

hehe... I''d be thankful for that bishie too! So pretty! I love the new layout Tex! ^__^

re: Gobble! Gobble!Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 8:04:46 AM

Thanks, HotIce!! *hugs*

Bishies are a good thing to be thankful for. ^.~

re: Gobble! Gobble!Sunday, November 02, 2008 - 4:30:30 PM

Gojyo with snakes! Yes! heh heh heh
YES, October was here and gone in the blink of a sleep-deprived eye! O_o And now the holidays are bearing down on us. Argh. Wasn''t able to get my act together fast enough to sign up for NaNo this year. Pitiful showing last year, so no big loss. Next year though. I''ve got an inkling of a corny idea, so may work on it through out the year until then. ~_^
Seems to be my annual thing now is selling things to fund my Next Big Doll purchase. ^_^;; This year is no different. I''m making and selling doll clothes. Can you believe it? O_o But I''m 2/3 paid for a very beautiful tan bishie elf boy doll!! I hope to bring him home in time to be my poor embarrassed Christmas elf. WAHAHAHAH!!!
Then again, maybe I just live to torment things.
Another good reason I don''t have kids. Poor things would be forever in therapy. XD

Thankful! Thankful! ^_^

re: Gobble! Gobble!Monday, November 03, 2008 - 12:36:24 PM

Thanks, Perv-chan!! *gloms* I''m with you: I can''t believe how quickly October has gone by. Really, this whole year. I already feel like I''m behind on my Christmas shopping. *ouch* Awesome news on the new doll-boy!! I hope to see pics of him once you''ve added him to your growing family. =D