Gallery Spammage ...
A "Simple" Project ... last modified: Thursday, July 17, 2008 (10:53:20 AM) Why is it that things which seem as if they should be "simple" or "easy" so seldom are?
I'm right on the verge of the final arc of my novel. It's only a first draft, but I am surprised, really, at how far I've come with this project. Since the final arc needs some thinking and planning on my part, I decided to take a bit of a break and do something I haven't done in about forever: watch anime. And, I decided to watch an old favorite, which I haven't seen in ages: Flame of Recca.
As long as I was watching Flame of Recca, anyhow, I decided to tackle a gallery project I have long wanted to do. I would try and grab screencaps and episode info for as many of my cels as I could.
Easy, right? Yeah, well, when you factor in my rather obsessive nature, "easy" becomes anything but.
So, marathoned through the series over the July 4th weekend. 42 episodes of anime in three days. Plus, I made a list of all the episode names (for future reference) And a list of some helpful information (also for future reference), like which episodes contain outfit changes for certain charcters -- useful in a fighting anime, because the characters seldom change clothes -- as well as which teams fought in which rounds of the big tournament that takes up over half the show. And, I got episode information and screencaps for all but two of my cels. Huzzah!!
On the down side, I also discovered I really do have something of a "wish list" for this show. Boo! I need more cel "wishes" like I need a second hole in my head. *sigh* But, I grabbed caps for those, too.
Then, the rest of the project begins. Now that I have this information, I MUST update it NOW. Yeah, being the obsessive person I am, I can't just let it sit around for later, when I take another writing break. No, I must finish this project.
Long story just a bit longer: It is done. Finally. On my main website and here on RS, all (except for the two I didn't find) of my FoR cels now have episode information and screencaps. And, they are now in proper episode order. Yes, I know, this doesn't matter to anyone but me, but it makes me happy, so ...
The funny thing is that I put all this time and effort into a show that, pretty much, no one cares about. But that's OK. It's a show I dearly love, and watching it again reminded me of why and just how much. Revisiting an old love is always a good thing.
So, my "easy", "simple" project ended up taking about a week and a half, from start to finish. Good freaking grief. I hope I don't find anything else that's "easy" to do. >.O