Gallery Spammage ...

A "Simple" Project ...
last modified: Thursday, July 17, 2008 (10:53:20 AM)
Why is it that things which seem as if they should be "simple" or "easy" so seldom are?

I'm right on the verge of the final arc of my novel. It's only a first draft, but I am surprised, really, at how far I've come with this project. Since the final arc needs some thinking and planning on my part, I decided to take a bit of a break and do something I haven't done in about forever: watch anime. And, I decided to watch an old favorite, which I haven't seen in ages: Flame of Recca.

As long as I was watching Flame of Recca, anyhow, I decided to tackle a gallery project I have long wanted to do. I would try and grab screencaps and episode info for as many of my cels as I could.

Easy, right? Yeah, well, when you factor in my rather obsessive nature, "easy" becomes anything but.

So, marathoned through the series over the July 4th weekend. 42 episodes of anime in three days. Plus, I made a list of all the episode names (for future reference) And a list of some helpful information (also for future reference), like which episodes contain outfit changes for certain charcters -- useful in a fighting anime, because the characters seldom change clothes -- as well as which teams fought in which rounds of the big tournament that takes up over half the show. And, I got episode information and screencaps for all but two of my cels. Huzzah!!

On the down side, I also discovered I really do have something of a "wish list" for this show. Boo! I need more cel "wishes" like I need a second hole in my head. *sigh* But, I grabbed caps for those, too.

Then, the rest of the project begins. Now that I have this information, I MUST update it NOW. Yeah, being the obsessive person I am, I can't just let it sit around for later, when I take another writing break. No, I must finish this project.

Long story just a bit longer: It is done. Finally. On my main website and here on RS, all (except for the two I didn't find) of my FoR cels now have episode information and screencaps. And, they are now in proper episode order. Yes, I know, this doesn't matter to anyone but me, but it makes me happy, so ...

The funny thing is that I put all this time and effort into a show that, pretty much, no one cares about. But that's OK. It's a show I dearly love, and watching it again reminded me of why and just how much. Revisiting an old love is always a good thing.

So, my "easy", "simple" project ended up taking about a week and a half, from start to finish. Good freaking grief. I hope I don't find anything else that's "easy" to do. >.O
re: A "Simple" Project ...Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 1:30:14 PM

Oh how I understand the obsession. With Hikaru No Go, not only do I know the episode as well as the screen shot, but I also have what time in the episode, what was going on, even what was said at the time. I used to have all that in my gallery, but decided I appeared to be too much of a geek, so now all I show is the ep #, time and the screen hot. @_@

Personlly, though, I think that makes it come more to life. So, if I can look at a screenshot and say, oh yeah, I remember that - it always makes me smile. ^_^

Long project? - yes! Well worth the time and effort? - absolutely!! ~_^

Great job! ^_^

re: A "Simple" Project ...Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 1:53:55 PM

I love Flame of Recca. I still care about it. Glad to hear you went back and worked on an older show.

re: A "Simple" Project ...Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 6:37:16 PM

Heh. Capping is *never* easy. Unless you buy a cel knowing exactly which episode it''s from, it''s going to take a loooong time.

I''m always able to spot my cels right when they come up, though. As soon as I spot them, I have to cap them and upload the cap, or else I''ll never get around to doing it. Heh. I hate having to change my descriptions, because that means I have to get the follow of the two pieces to match. Everything in my gallery is very stream-of-conciousness. ^^;;;;

Congrats on finishing the project up!

re: A "Simple" Project ...Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 7:46:07 PM

Tex dear you have my utter amazement? I tried doing that with Outlaw Star, and got about... um... 10 or so screen shots, and I was done. I don''t even have episode names or anything thing else, just screen shots, and thats it. ^_^, I probably have some sort of ADD... i swear to cel gods, that i was working on my RS gallery and saw my car keys on my compy desk and went "oooh, shiney" >_< So I think its cool you were able to complete it. Very cool. Now I''m thinking of going back to my OLS and finish getting screens, but I want to play 360, and make over my RS gallery... again. o.O

re: A "Simple" Project ...Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 8:21:55 PM

Awww, thanks, you guys!! I''m glad you enjoyed seeing the caps and episode information. It makes all the time spent seem worth it, if at least a few folks enjoyed it. Also, I like having it, although it is pretty geeky of me. *laughs*

Flame of Recca is a long-time love. Each time I watch the show, I remember how much I adored it and why. And, I felt that way about it from my very first viewing!

(Pudge: I sent you an email. Actually, two. I sent an RS feedback thru your gallery, but I think it must have gotten eaten by your spam folder. Then, I sent a reply to the email you sent to my yahoo addy. I hope you got it! *gloms*)

re: A "Simple" Project ...Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 10:23:17 AM

Isn''t it interesting how "simple" projects develop tentacles that twine all through a project, and chew up time that you "ought" to be spending on something productive. Reminds me of both of my last gallery makeovers, which didn''t involve so much item-by-item work but rather the superstructure of the gallery. It''s always a rather intimidating experience: I really cut down on buying new things after the last make-over.

The time you spend on a relatively obscure series, though, really is essential to visitors. With a major series, people can blow through with a lot of advance knowledge: yeah, that''s Inuyasha, there''s Kagome, that''s Myoga, etc. But for a relatively unknown series, it''s important not just to identify the scene, but explain why it''s worth looking at. You do that especially well, and it''s helped me develop my own approach to the series that I collect that are in the same category.

re: A "Simple" Project ...Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 3:21:53 PM

Wow, Sensei ... thanks so much for the encouragement and the very kind words. I''m glad the effort that goes into the episode and/or scene commentary helps visitors out. That was always my goal -- to have something there that would kind of explain the characters and/or my love for the show. (Although explaining one''s love for something might not be possible in the limited space available on RS! LOL) But, I love seeing how my cels fit in the larger context of the show, so passing that information along is a treat for me -- even though it''s a time-consuming project. My own obsessiveness aside, I totally agree with you and with Pudge: It''s a project that''s well worth the effort. My dream is to, one day, have this information available for everything in my gallery. I''ll be working on that one for a LONG time to come, I think! =D

HUZZAH!Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 9:08:29 PM

Congrats on finishing THAT project!
And hearty Congratulations on closing in on finishing up the novel! ** *HUGS*

I, on the other hand, have just about given up on updating my poor neglected gallery. I''ve been too tied up in doll stories. And hubby can''t get the scanner to work yet. *sigh* I''m thinking I''ll have to go back to taking photographs of each piece and updating like that. But I know from the last time I did that, it just annoys me and I''ll just have to go back through and SCAN everything once we get the scanner up and running again.

And I''ve been itching to screen cap and pigeon hole all my Ranma cels for ever and a day. But every time I think of watching Ranma (which I really DO want to do), something else comes up that needs to be done instead. (Like heading to bed. XD I''m such an old fart already.)

re: A "Simple" Project ...Monday, July 21, 2008 - 7:46:43 AM

*GLOMS* ''da Perv!!! =D

Yeah, I haven''t been doing a whole lot of gallery maintenance type stuff, either. I still manage to be totally obsessive about scanning and updating when new stuff arrives. But, other long-standing projects (like most of my screencapping) sit on the back burner most of the time. Because of the stupid book. *sigh* I''m so ready to be finished with that. Sad thing is, though, I already have an idea for the second novel in the series ... so I''ll likely only take a bit of time off before starting on another one. I''m so messed up. LOL

Yay for doll stories!! I miss reading those. *huggles the doll boyz*

re: A "Simple" Project ...Monday, July 21, 2008 - 5:59:03 PM

At least you got to tackle a project by choice (and get some enjoyment out of even if it was a lot of work). ;) I got to spend a similar week and a half running back and forth to Home Depot to get pipe parts (and then different ones just in case). *eyetwitch*