The Weblog About Nothing ...
last modified: Thursday, June 26, 2008 (7:47:48 PM)
This is the weblog entry in which Tex whines about ... well, nothing in particular. I just kind of felt like blogging and, well, there 'ya go.
Yep. Run for your lives!!!
I've been pretty much laying low, cel-wise. I've been adding things here and there, and purchasing a few new things. But, overall, I haven't been extremely talkative, as I mentioned in a previous weblog entry. Maybe this is my attempt at changing that for myself.
In the realm of purchases, I recently had a very exciting opportunity thanks to a wonderful cel bud who, through this goofy hobby, has also become a wonderful friend. *hugs Wendy* So, I'm anxiously awaiting something new -- something that definitely falls into the category of "never thought I would have one of these". I'm totally on pins and needles over it, too. Every day, I sit at my door and watch the mail person drive up. Will today be the day? Will she stop in my driveway and get out of her van, my much-longed-after EMS package tucked securely under her arm? So far, obviously, that hasn't happened. But, I keep watching. I do feel a little pathetic about it, but ... well, it keeps me off the streets, so to speak. =P
To burn off some of my nervous energy, I did a bit of a gallery re-do. It's kind of in celebration of my new, exciting purchase. And, also kind of a late "30K Hits" celebration. It's a goofy layout, although I was a bit nervous about it. It's been a <b>long</b> time since my gallery wasn't blue!! I've had a few days to get used to it, though, and I think I like it. ♥
Otherwise, life at my house is same old, same old. Summer is in full swing. The kiddo has been in camp for the past two weeks -- her second camp of the season. It ends tomorrow, and then I suppose we'll do playdates and such with her friends from pre-school. She will start kindergarten in the fall, which I can't believe. And, I'm not ready for it. At all. o_O
I'm still plugging away at my book. I think I'm getting closer to the end. I just finished up chapters 22 and 23 -- 22 a couple of days ago, and 23 yesterday. I started on Chapter 24 today. I'm soooo ready for this thing to be finished.
Our dog, Fae, just turned 6 months old. She has changed a lot since we got her. She is starting to mature, although she is still really playful. She's in that "obnoxious teenager" stage, as opposed to "obnoxious puppy" stage. But, she is fun, and we are all getting very used to her. She's a regular part of the family now, which is great. I wasn't sure I could love another dog after losing Tex. I still miss Tex horribly, but Fae is starting to fill that empty space very well.