Gallery Spammage ...

The Weblog About Nothing ...
last modified: Thursday, June 26, 2008 (7:47:48 PM)
This is the weblog entry in which Tex whines about ... well, nothing in particular. I just kind of felt like blogging and, well, there 'ya go.

Yep. Run for your lives!!!

I've been pretty much laying low, cel-wise. I've been adding things here and there, and purchasing a few new things. But, overall, I haven't been extremely talkative, as I mentioned in a previous weblog entry. Maybe this is my attempt at changing that for myself.

In the realm of purchases, I recently had a very exciting opportunity thanks to a wonderful cel bud who, through this goofy hobby, has also become a wonderful friend. *hugs Wendy* So, I'm anxiously awaiting something new -- something that definitely falls into the category of "never thought I would have one of these". I'm totally on pins and needles over it, too. Every day, I sit at my door and watch the mail person drive up. Will today be the day? Will she stop in my driveway and get out of her van, my much-longed-after EMS package tucked securely under her arm? So far, obviously, that hasn't happened. But, I keep watching. I do feel a little pathetic about it, but ... well, it keeps me off the streets, so to speak. =P

To burn off some of my nervous energy, I did a bit of a gallery re-do. It's kind of in celebration of my new, exciting purchase. And, also kind of a late "30K Hits" celebration. It's a goofy layout, although I was a bit nervous about it. It's been a <b>long</b> time since my gallery wasn't blue!! I've had a few days to get used to it, though, and I think I like it. &hearts;

Otherwise, life at my house is same old, same old. Summer is in full swing. The kiddo has been in camp for the past two weeks -- her second camp of the season. It ends tomorrow, and then I suppose we'll do playdates and such with her friends from pre-school. She will start kindergarten in the fall, which I can't believe. And, I'm not ready for it. At all. o_O

I'm still plugging away at my book. I think I'm getting closer to the end. I just finished up chapters 22 and 23 -- 22 a couple of days ago, and 23 yesterday. I started on Chapter 24 today. I'm soooo ready for this thing to be finished.

Our dog, Fae, just turned 6 months old. She has changed a lot since we got her. She is starting to mature, although she is still really playful. She's in that "obnoxious teenager" stage, as opposed to "obnoxious puppy" stage. But, she is fun, and we are all getting very used to her. She's a regular part of the family now, which is great. I wasn't sure I could love another dog after losing Tex. I still miss Tex horribly, but Fae is starting to fill that empty space very well.
Oh but I LOVE the new Do! Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 9:01:27 PM

Yes, I DO! XD "teh privates" *gigglesnort* and "male" *more giggling*

Wow, I knew I was woefully out of touch, but wow!
YAY!!! Texxie finally got a new puppy!!!!
I bet she''s truly wonderful! ^_^


*gloms to ''da PERV* =)Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 9:20:09 PM

Ha, ha! Thanks, Perv-chan! *gloms* I''ve had Fae since February. We got her on February 15th. Although, you''re not really out of touch. I haven''t posted much about her. Or, really anything. I should post some pics of her in the photo album.

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 9:35:09 PM

Hi, your gallery looks very "Tree of Palmish" to me (can you put some ductwork as columns on either side?). But I''m sure the new addition will shine brilliantly against this background.

Congrats on bonding with your new puppy. Lots of nonsense gets said about "how dogs/cats think." They all think differently, because they are real personalities. And while Fae will never replace Tex, she will become a real companion in your travel through life. I suspect that when animal lovers eventually get to that mythical rainbow bridge in the sky, they all find great packs and mobs of totally unique companions, biding their time not in patience but in fighting, tusseling, playing, digging, and generally making a chaotic mess out of that corner of heaven.

BTW, looking out a window is the best way to erect an Express-mail blocking force field. Take long showers, and all too soon the doorbell will ring.

Yes! *gloms ya back*Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 9:35:20 PM

Do! ^___^

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 11:16:05 PM

Yay for the book progress! And yay for marvelous new cel on the way!! And yay for maturing puppy!! And yay for... oh, you get the point!...I''m happy you blogged! Definitely not "nothing." ^_^

And sensei is correct: just like a watched pot never boils, a watched mailman never brings you what you''re waiting for! :) heehee! I hope your package arrives SOON.

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, June 27, 2008 - 2:02:45 AM

I''m glad to see you around ^_^ I can''t wait to see your new cels that are coming. ^_^

I wanna see pics of your puppy.


re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, June 27, 2008 - 7:38:44 AM

Thanks, Sensei, Shells,and Kata! I''ll have to dig out some of my Fae photos and post them in the photo album. She''s so different from Tex, both in looks and personality, and that is a good thing. Like I said, I still miss him horribly, but I''m getting there. ^.~

Ah! Now I know what I''ve been doing wrong on the EMS thing -- watching for the package. Today, hubby and I are going out to breakfast, so we probably won''t be home when the mail comes. I''ll bet that''ll bring the package around for sure! =D

Thanks, everyone, for the nice comments and for checking out the new ''do!

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, June 27, 2008 - 12:18:42 PM

I love the new site layout! And be careful not to pounce on the mail-lady when she finally comes with your package!!!

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, June 27, 2008 - 1:05:26 PM

Do not maul the mailperson when they show up with the package. It''s bad manners, darling.
Just wait. You''ll really not be ready when the kiddo turns 16. Gods, my baby is turning 16 this year and I still can''t seem to wrap my head around it.
Book? What book? You never said anything about a book. What''s it about? You''re fully aware of the fact that I''m nosey.

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 8:07:21 AM

Thanks, Toonybabe and Darkphoenix. Hmmm ... I will try not to pounce the mail carrier. If she ever brings my package, that is. It still didn''t come yesterday, and I''m getting a bit worried about it -- that it''s sitting in customs or something. *frets and worries* It''s definitely something pounce-worthy, at least to me. =D

Thanks for the kind words on the new layout. It took me a bit to get used to it, but I like it now. I think it''s a good change. Change can be hard, but it can also be a bit fun.

The book is a fantasy novel. And kind of a story of facing up to your own destiny and what life tosses at you. Well, that''s the plan, anyhow. I have no idea if it will live up to the goals I have for it. At this point, I just hope to finish the darn thing. *sweatdrop*

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 8:29:15 AM

You could take up collecting Star Trek tchotchkes to wile away the time. They''re not really all that expensive, and most of the sellers will beam them down to your house instantaneously for an extra charge. Some of them are supposed to get really really valuable in the future, too. When the package comes, you''ll say, "Oh, yeah, that; I remember when I was interested in anime stuff," and go back to playing with your new toys.

[Sensei makes a mental note to start checking on what you put out for the trash.]

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 8:36:01 AM

PS, you should look up Camille Bacon-Smith, one of my ex-colleagues who did a wonderful study of Star Trekkies, "Enterprising Women," which gave me a start to understanding the anime fan culture (similar in many ways, not least in the squee value of gay guy plots). Finding no jobs in my field, she became a successful fantasy writer with several titles so far to her name. (Most recent: Daemon Eyes ... "they were demonic detectives in the mortal world...")

If you ever meet her, mention me and watch her eyes change color from normal to glass-green.

Saved from Star TrekSunday, June 29, 2008 - 12:24:21 AM

Luckily, Sensei, I didn''t have to resort to collecting Star Trek memorabilia. I loved that show, but one addiction is enough for me. LOL The package arrived today, much to my relief and joy. I am going to look up your former colleague''s books. They sound interesting. Thanks for the rec!

Nothing???? O____oSunday, June 29, 2008 - 9:49:50 AM

OMG!! AYA EYECATCH!!! *faints*
As always, love your commentary on all of these in the Aya Haul. ^__^ You really convey the power of your love for this guy, and you know I can appreciate that! ~_^
Good Gosh though. Wow. And Wow. So wonderful! All of them!!! Such glorious Aya shots! The peaceful killing glare of the eyecatch, and the growly angst-ridden killer in the others.

Heee!!!Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 2:46:44 PM

Thanks so much, Perv-chan!! I was debating on doing a blog about the update. I feel kind of silly doing that, but my gallery usually doesn''t stay up on the front page very long. I''m so glad you saw them, though. Thanks x a bazillion for sharing my fangirl sqweels. It means so much. I''m glad you liked the comments, too. I didn''t know if I managed to do a good job conveying my excitement without sounding like a total moron. (Only a partial moron -- LOL!)I still can''t believe I have an eyecatch. Never, never, never thought that would happen. *gloms ''da Perv summore* =D

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 6:23:48 PM

*tackle glomps*tex!!!*lets go*

i couldnt resist.

that''s great that things are going good in your world.

i hear ya on the purchasing but yes not doing so much of it.

i can mail him out some time this week, i sent an email on that.

must go look at layout.

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 6:28:50 PM

p.s. - love the layout!!!

what no fully naked ranners?*ducks the objects*

i just now realized after looking at the layout that the weblog area is grey/gray(never know which way to spell)instead of blue. heh.

*tacklegloms kira, too!*Monday, June 30, 2008 - 9:10:38 AM

Thanks, Kira! *gloms* I''m heading off to send you an email as soon as I finish typing this. =) Thanks for taking a look at the new layout. I''m so, so glad you like it!! Sadly, no nekkid Ran cels. *cries* ... Nekkid Ran Cels ... *_* *fits of fangirl giggling* ^.~

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Monday, June 30, 2008 - 8:00:29 PM


naked ran is to you as naked ichigo is to perv-chan.

Oh Yes ...Monday, June 30, 2008 - 8:21:41 PM

Yes, he is. My own form of Kryptonite. Kryptonite I would want to snuggle, but Kryptonite, nonetheless. =P

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, July 04, 2008 - 2:21:10 AM

*super late but well meaning glomp....... of dooooom!*

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Friday, July 04, 2008 - 11:51:48 AM

Awww, thanks, HotIce! *gloms back* =)

re: The Weblog About Nothing ...Saturday, July 05, 2008 - 4:08:36 AM

you saw me! damn... :P