call me crazy last modified: Friday, June 08, 2007 (1:20:42 AM) This may amuse romantics of all stripes. Alternatively, you may feel free to simply make retching noises in my general direction. :)
A long time ago I met a girl in a chance encounter. To make a long story short, I liked her very much and she did not like me back. I'm glossing over this because the concept of the girl is more important than the girl herself.
Everyone worth knowing probably has one of these people who haunts them from time to time.
I have long held the belief that after height no longer determines your age, there's only a few milestones that really age you. There's the obvious ones: marriage, death of a parent, birth of a child, first real job, serious illness, military deployment, etc.
One of the non-obvious milestones is when the first person you really want in a way that transcends normal adolescent mischief gets married to someone else.
This happened to me today. I stumbled upon the fact that said girl got married a little while ago. It's like getting punched in the gut. I know, of course, that the latent daydream that I would someday run into this girl in the supermarket years later -- and that she would be single and irreversibly charmed -- is total idiocy.
But there was always that last sliver of hope, that maybe everything from the past was simply foreshadowing the pleasant surprise of the next act.
In the end, the lack of any real surprise at the end of this particular narrative thread sucks all the air out of the room. I did not need to be reminded that life is a series of increasingly more permanent disappointments.
I don't really mean to sound so negative. I am really fortunate in a lot of ways. I can't shake the feeling like I'm doing something horribly wrong, though.
In the event that said girl ever reads this, I'd like to say one thing:
"Gasp! Should we ever meet again in a coffee shop at the end of time, remember that I am up about 20 games to 3 and you have a lot of catching up to do. All the best. Go save the world."