don't bother with new playstation last modified: Friday, November 17, 2006 (9:26:20 AM) Some of you know this already, but I'm a pretty big fan of gaming of all kinds. This includes video games. This goes back about twenty years or so.
I would like to take this opportunity to speak to parents out there and curious onlookers as to why the new Sony Playstation 3 launch has people all excited.
It's insidious. You see, they are built entirely on hype. This is worse hype than the Xbox 360 launch of last year, which actually had a few good games to back up the launch. The PS3 is not launching with games of any merit. (Disclaimer: I own neither of these systems, and don't intend to because the games aren't very good on either yet.) Supply is limited due to some idiotic hardware decisions made by Sony because they want to push a new, overpriced, incompatible DVD format into the market (think Betamax).
So, they float these machines with no games at around $600. When it was time to preorder these, I was under the assumption that no one in their right mind would pay more than $300-400 over retail (~$1000) for a system so I didn't bother trying to preorder one -- even to sell it on ebay.
It was obvious that consoles would be scarce, but I had no idea how stupid your average American consumer is. There's people hawking these things for $2000+ on auction sites -- for a box of electronics with few playable games. Let's imagine you get a console and two (subpar) games out of the handful of really bad launch titles for $2000. You've just spent $1000 per game.
A very decent used car is $2000. This is complete stupidity.
There is no other word for it, and I don't call large market trends stupid without careful thought. The Spice Girls were a product of misguided media oversaturation. Reality game shows are products of people wanting to be closer to stories and players they hope they can relate to.
This is just stupid.
Sony wants to see you wait in line and be that sucker that ponies up $1000-2000+ for a console because the AP will write shallow human interest pieces about how you waited all night for your useless home entertainment device. It's all about getting Sony good press at your expense.
Sony, right now, is a company scared of two things: Apple, who is cannibalizing their consumer music device market with the iPod + iTunes integration, and Microsoft, who has made an excellent online service with Xbox Live. As a software architect/designer/developer by day, I can tell you that Japan is historically really bad at creating quality software, so I can assure you that Sony is crapping rocks because of these two companies and their respective products because they know that Japan as a *nation* can't outdo them. They are scared for their future right now moreso than anytime in their past. If the Playstation brand tanks, Sony has nothing left to stand on.
*This* is what the media hype is all about: a corporation full of people past their prime in ideas, products, and innovation trying desperately to stay above water.
Get informed. The Playstation 3 will undoubtedly get better games and a lower price tag sometime in the next six months. Quality is worth paying for, but this simply isn't it. If it's your kid asking for one, tell them these things suck. I'm basically an overgrown kid, so I'll talk to them if you want. Just send me an e-mail and phone number with a good time to talk to them.
Every single person who got a console today to play is a sucker. A big, PT Barnum, born-yesterday sucker.
Don't be a sucker. Don't be an average American consumer with more money than sense.