something new
last modified: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 (12:08:46 AM)
This is a test of the new weblog feature on this site. It's not quite done yet, but feel free to play around with it. I
probably won't have to do any database wipes. (meaning erasing the entire weblog system and starting over)
In the interest of safety, don't scribble anything you really, really want to keep until I'm actually done.
By the way, both HTML and forum code work here. If you choose to syndicate your blog (cross-post to forum) then HTML will be turned off but forum code will remain.
bold underline italic big
Things I'm missing:
* Option to cross-post to main forum
* Option to take comments for each blog entry, also cross-postable to main forum
* Better formatting options (that's for the galleries in general though).
* Permanent links for search engines (applies to whole gallery engine as well).
What did I miss? Let me know by clicking here -->