Tragedy @ Home
last modified: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 (12:20:33 PM)
There was a horrible accident on the freeway near where I live. I van full of USU students lost control when a tire blew out and rolled, ejecting everyone from the van. No one was wearing seat belts. 9 out of the 11 are dead. Two of those dead were good friends of mine, Dusty Fuhriman and Justin Huggins. Another one is in critical condition, Robert Petersen.
I can't believe that no one wore their seat belts - are people really that ignorant? I feel naked whenever I forget to put mine on, but I don't go anywhere until everyone in my car is strapped down. It was because of neglect that my mother passed away. Another friend just only two weeks ago, Lonnie Rasmussen, was killed in an auto accident.
Please you guys, WEAR your seat belts! I can't stress it enough. You may get banged up, but who may still be alive after it's all done.
*R.I.P. Justin, Dusty, Lonnie, and Mom*