Dreamer's Diary

Snowy day
last modified: Saturday, January 22, 2005 (2:31:56 PM)
Yup, it's snowing like mad here so I decided to work on my RS gallery a bit. It's been delisted for about six months mainly because I was sick of the theme and felt contrained by the gallery name "Things with Wings".

There's a ton of work to be done to bring the gallery into harmony with the new theme, but so far, so good.

I would appreciate feedback and helpful suggestions on the work that's been done so far. ^_^

Well, my fingers are freezing, so I'm going to take a hot cocoa break and maybe fire up FF7 for a bit too. I've managed to get a gold Chocobo and so was able to get the special materia from their caves so... currently I'm busy leveling up Knights of the Round before taking on the downed Shinra plane to get the third Huge Materia. *grin!*
nice new layout Kitt!Saturday, January 22, 2005 - 3:00:47 PM

Yeah I''m stuck in the snow too, but my work has seen fit to demand my presence! Thank Goodness metro is still mostly functioning! Did D make it? It was with a tear in my eye I sent him to you on Wed. Well off to work.........yuck

re: Snowy daySaturday, January 22, 2005 - 3:43:54 PM

Yes, indeed, D did make it. He''s residing in the New Cels section for now. Thank you so much for selling the cel to me! It is even more stunning than I had hoped!

You have to go in to work?! Are they nuts?! Goodness! Please be careful, and keep warm!

re: Snowy daySaturday, January 22, 2005 - 4:47:04 PM

I like your new layout! I don''t even want to hear about snow there''s so much of it here the snowbanks are past my head! Although lots of snow does sound like a good excuse to play FF7....I''ll stop complaining now ^_^


re: Snowy daySaturday, January 22, 2005 - 7:49:50 PM

Love the new layout! It is very eyecatching, yet soothing, too. Wonderful!! ^_^ The 2 to 4 inches they predicted for today has turned into 2 feet and counting. It''s a good night to curl up with the cat and some manga!

Well they saw the lightSaturday, January 22, 2005 - 8:16:44 PM

Work allowed me to go home before the Freezing rain started! Bad news is the cat just chewed thru my power supply so this will be the last time I can post or check e-mail till I get to the apple store!!!! 21% power and counting! I''m in a panic!!! Anyway I intend to get thru the rest of Xeno Saga by Monday Morning! Wish me luck ^_~ and PS I''m so glad your happy with D........... I miss my baby!

re: Snowy daySaturday, January 22, 2005 - 9:50:03 PM

YAY!! Just taking a break from writing a WK fic, and decided to check out RS. Now, I''m super glad I did. So happy to see your gallery, and does this mean you''re listed again? I love the layout. The colors you used are wonderful, and I adore the banners!

Oh ... and I just read your WK "group" fic ... wonderful!! I really loved it! I''m going to have to head over to ff.net and leave you a review, too! Plus, I owe you a nice, long email. Yikes! I''m behind ... but I think the snow will give me a chance to catch up. ^_~

re: Snowy daySunday, January 23, 2005 - 8:13:24 AM

Such a great new layout and I am really really jealous of your cels! My favourite has got to be ''Evil Onii-chan'', so if you ever sell it, let me know. ^_~

Your site is just so incredible, and I love the banner. :) Your CCS cels... wonderful. :)

re: Snowy daySunday, January 23, 2005 - 1:42:14 PM

Hi, Stephanie! Thanks for the compliment! We didn''t get that much snow, in the end, just enough to need to get the shovel out. FF7 is still one of my favorite RPGs. This time, I think a fanfic for Cait Sith and Vincent is brewing in the back of my head. *eyeroll* As if I needed still more tenants in my fanfic brain!


*Waves to Keiti* Thank you so much! "Soothing" -- I like that! I hope the cat was warm and purry and the manga exciting and satisfying!


Good thing they let you go home, Deanna! Oh, no! about the power cord! XenoSaga -- one of these days I might be tempted into getting that, but without Citan, it''s hard to work up the enthusiasm. Hey, does Clow remind anyone else of Citan, or is that just me? *Imagines Clow running around in a giant mech*
*gets delicious shivers*


Tex-chan, I replied to the reply...and now I''m wondering what you are going to think about the VHD stories!
*worry, fret, worry*


*Waves to Hakiri* I''m glad you like the layout and banners! CCS is the series that finally tempted me down the cel collecting road. For the longest time it seemed that no one appreciated Touya, so I have quite a few cels of him. One of these days I will manage to scan and post them all. Evil Onii-chan is one of my favorites too! I have no plans to sell any cels any time soon, but I will keep you in mind.