Update - New fiction, sketches and cels
last modified: Friday, November 25, 2005 (10:07:03 PM)
I had to work today *boo! hiss!* but still managed to get a couple of fun things taken care of. I tweaked a rather odd short little bit of fiction I've been noodling with and posted it to ff.net.
It's in the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom and I guess it's mostly a thought piece about the overlapping bit of destiny that Yugi and Yami shared. It's titled "Twined".
More importantly (to this crowd, at least) I managed to scan and add a few new cels and sketches (in the New Cel section, for now). Two sketches of phoenix Suzaku from one of the Fushigi Yuugi OVAs, a cute sketch of Yukito and a gi-normous bag of cookies, a new cel of Yukito and Sakura (I think it's from the quiz episode), a darling cel of Prince Sakura, a new Kero-chan cel looking at the paper bearing a Clow Circle that Sakura found when she battled the giant teddy-bear, Yukito looking over his shoulder and a simply beautiful cel of Sakura being comforted by Yue.
I hope everyone enjoys. ^_^