Dreamer's Diary

RS Gallery Stuff
last modified: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 (4:35:21 PM)
Way back when, I had entered information and descriptions for 11 of my Touya cels, but never had a chance to actually scan them. Until today, that is. So, the first page of my Touya section are all of those that had been hidden (since they had no images), plus a new Touya cel I found lost and lonely in one of my cel books.

There are some new, better scans ('cause the ones I had up were not so good) of some cels and a few new cels altogether in a couple of sections too. It's slow going, but I will eventually switch all the poor scans for better ones, and add information and descriptions for all the cels that still need them.
re: RS Gallery StuffWednesday, November 02, 2005 - 5:16:23 PM

Lovely! Such a good quality and nice of you to share. =)

re: RS Gallery StuffWednesday, November 02, 2005 - 5:43:27 PM

So many Toya cels ... so little time (for me to look at them all, that is. LOL) Oh ... and those Special Yue cels are pretty great, too! *runs of to click some more* Hee! Hee!

Touya!Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 7:21:54 PM

I''m never leaving your Touya section!
Never! You can''t make me!
*sets up tent with mop*

re: RS Gallery StuffWednesday, November 02, 2005 - 7:52:11 PM

Thanks (again) everyone! ^_^

WC - =) right back!

Tex-chan - LOL! You are starting to catch up with a few of the Gabriolis cels... *grin*

Leah - Oho! A Touya lover, huh? And here I thought no one liked him anymore...

Catching up to Gabriolis ...Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 8:23:58 AM

MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, my evil plan is working!

*runs off to click ... and click some more*

Hugs to ''ya!