Re-introducing Forever Dreaming
last modified: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 (12:03:44 AM)
I've been struggling for a while with my gallery, trying to come up with a theme and look that I like. This struggle's been going on nearly a year, and in frustration I ended up de-listing the gallery entirely.
It's taken some time, but I think there's good agreement with the title and the presentation of the cels, <i>finally</i>, so, it's time to show my gallery again.
I'm still working on it to find the cels that need basic information and descriptions added (and there are some cels that were never scanned too) but the majority of my collection is up and ready *gulp!* I guess, to be viewed again.
If anyone is so inclined to offer feedback, I welcome constructive criticism and corrections (as well as compliments if you deem my efforts worthy!)