Dreamer's Diary
Turnings last modified: Friday, July 08, 2005 (3:05:37 PM) AX was a blast. I had a great time with my AX roomies (as usual ^_^) and lots of fun meeting people from both RS and Beta. Some sort of universal cel karma rebalancing must have been happening, since I found some stunning cels and sketches. (The two best finds are still hidden though. :-p)
My 16 year old cat, Gus, was boarded at the vet while I was away, since he's diabetic and needs insulin injections twice a day. I was concerned as, during his appointment in May, the vet suggested that Gus might be starting with kidney problems too. My first cat, Ceasar, died from kidney disease at 22 years of age, so this was certainly an unwelcome thought. However, all the tests came back normal, so, though he has diabetes (under control, yay!) and arthritis, he's basically a healthy, though mouthy, kitty.
The news I woke up to yesterday, the terrorist bombings in London, makes me want to cry for those harmed and rave and scream at those who caused the harm. I wish we could mend this broken world so such horrors never happen, to anyone, ever again.
And today...
Well, ~ it's my birthday and I'll --
go to work even though I don't want to! ~ At least, that's what I told myself this morning. Actually, it's not been too bad. I had to dash over to the DMV during lunch to get my driver's license renewed and got a wonderful surprise. The CRT (Corneal Refractive Therapy -- contact lenses I wear at night that flatten the cornea for good day-time vision) I've been using for over a year has corrected my nearsightedness so that I no longer need a restriction for corrective eyewear while driving. Nifty!
And, while waiting at the DMV, I got hit with another inspiration for a Vampire Hunter D story. *ebilgrin* However, before I can allow D to fill my mind with angsty thoughts for the story, I must update the Ronin Art pages on Stargarde for Crystal. That's the primary project for this weekend.
Crystal painted a gorgeous image of Dark (DNAngel) for me while we were at her table in Artist Alley at AX. I'm thinking I might use it for the next incarnation of Forever Dreaming. Yeah, I'm bored with the theme again. *eyeroll*
Mom and Dad called to wish me a happy birthday, which is sweet, and to reassure me about the hurricane charging at them. Yeah, they live in Florida. I always worry during hurricane season.
*slinks back into hiding*