Dreamer's Diary

Auction Woes
last modified: Friday, April 29, 2005 (12:56:21 PM)
All I wanted was one. That was it, just one production image of a certain character because I greatly admire the seiyuu. It's been over three years I've been bidding and losing at trying to win just this one.

*shrug* You can guess from the title that I lost again. The sole bidder on an auction until the last day, such things happen, but I had bid high enough to hold back two other bidders. I thought I had a shot at finally getting just this one lone image of this character I've wanted for so long. Toward the last hour or so, another bidder appeared and topped me. I bumped my bid, thinking I'd do without coffee and chocolate (quite a sacrifice for me!) for a month to finally, finally, after over three long years cross this one character off my wishlist.

Not to be. Perhaps I wouldn't be so bitter about it except I have this rule about not bidding on items I see that friends have prior bids on. It seems I'm the only one who has such a rule and so, I've lost out yet again. To a friend.

I'm not going to fight it anymore. The character in question is crossed off my wishlist, not because I finally gained the one item I was looking for, or lost interest in the character, but because I'm tired of losing out and feeling bitter at friends when I do.

*hugs*Friday, April 29, 2005 - 1:40:39 PM

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I normally thought that friends wouldn''t outbid each other on cels that they saw their friend was bidding on. Boy was I wrong. There was a bunch of cels I really wanted at Ebay and YJ, only to find out I was outbid by these so-called ''friends''. I don''t talk to them anymore, don''t do favors for them anymore and only have a limited few whom I trust. Apparently these people value cels more than friendship, and that''s not what I do. But when I bid on a cel, I EXPECT a friend to at least IM or e-mail me and be like "I''m interested in that cel too, can we work something out." Nope, didn''t even get a courteous e-mail. They aren''t worth your time and if they don''t consider friendship over some materialistic item, they''re not worth the air they breathe. It saddens me that true friendships are so rare nowadays and people love to take advantage of other people''s kind hearts. Chin up...I''m sure an even bigger and better cel will present itself. If you ever want to talk feel free to e-mail me or PM me through my feedback gallery at sme.rubberslug.com

Take care.

re: Auction WoesFriday, April 29, 2005 - 2:34:48 PM

i''m sorry for you missing out on the cels. I personally try and not bid on something if I (know the bidder) as the same token I would hope others would do the same (or at least send a mail expressing interests, in the cel like you do) but realistically it''s one of those perfect world senerios. (troubles arise with last min funds becoming availible, generic deputy ids, it won''t always work) with this said I do hope you get a cel of the charater one day.

re: Auction WoesFriday, April 29, 2005 - 3:00:34 PM

It really sucks to get outbid by a friend. I have an agreement with my cel friends not to bid against them. Whoever got to the cel first is the one who gets to try and win it. Unless its one of my friends wishlist cels

However here lately ive had people ive trusted bid against me when they told me they wouldnt. It really sucks to see your friends backstab you like that. Id think friendship is more important then cel collecting.
But you know what they say. You didnt win the cel because something better is coming your way. So keep your head high and keep trying.

Also could you let me know who the char youve been trying to collect is? Maybe if someone helped you look for this char youll finally get it? You can get ahold of my through my gallery deescels.rubberslug.com

Thanks, an I look forward to hearing from you

*hug*Friday, April 29, 2005 - 3:23:06 PM

Sounds like since it''s been up for sale a few times already, it will come around again. And this time you''ll be ready! There will be one less person Not going for it (the seller), and since that was the only one you couldn''t outbid, this next time around you''ll get it! :D

But don''t cross that cel/character off your list yet!! There''s definitely something better coming your way!

Hang in there! *hug*

re: Auction WoesSaturday, April 30, 2005 - 10:34:21 AM

I always smile when I see a friend''s name bidding on something I wanted. I know it will go to someone who will cherish it as much as I would.