Auction Woes
last modified: Friday, April 29, 2005 (12:56:21 PM)
All I wanted was one. That was it, just one production image of a certain character because I greatly admire the seiyuu. It's been over three years I've been bidding and losing at trying to win just this one.
*shrug* You can guess from the title that I lost again. The sole bidder on an auction until the last day, such things happen, but I had bid high enough to hold back two other bidders. I thought I had a shot at finally getting just this one lone image of this character I've wanted for so long. Toward the last hour or so, another bidder appeared and topped me. I bumped my bid, thinking I'd do without coffee and chocolate (quite a sacrifice for me!) for a month to finally, finally, after over three long years cross this one character off my wishlist.
Not to be. Perhaps I wouldn't be so bitter about it except I have this rule about not bidding on items I see that friends have prior bids on. It seems I'm the only one who has such a rule and so, I've lost out yet again. To a friend.
I'm not going to fight it anymore. The character in question is crossed off my wishlist, not because I finally gained the one item I was looking for, or lost interest in the character, but because I'm tired of losing out and feeling bitter at friends when I do.