Fetish's Cel Gallery
Conversations withYou

More Additions
last modified: Monday, May 16, 2005 (1:51:12 AM)
Well, my gallery has been very busy behind-the-scenes. I've been taking more scans and adding more dialoge to each cel.

I'm going to do away with the mono-chrome color thumbnails...but I do believe I will go back and add a border to every thumbnail.

In the meantime...I am only adding cels for which I have scanned with a background, and then gone in and added information on : SCENE-CEL-SKETCH-BACKGROUND-PERSONAL COMMENTS

I'm very happy with how things are coming along!

re: More AdditionsMonday, May 16, 2005 - 2:11:40 AM

On the surface, that doesn''t sound like much, but changing every thumbnail is a looooooong process alone! Don''t know what posessed me to do that for April Fool''s Day this year, but once I started, I couldn''t very well stop!

Hang in there! It will be well worth the work though in the end, when you get to sit back and enjoy it! ^_^