Eddie's Cels and Sketches
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Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting like heck)
last modified: Sunday, April 08, 2007 (1:39:43 PM)
ok so this isnt a true hollywood story, this is me being pissed.

Someone i have been talking too. We would talk about lots of animes and stuff. Both had long talks. and then the discussion came up...

I told him i liked Dubs plain and simple. Though i still enjoy the japanese one as well.

This PERSON ignored me, blocked me from contacting them and whatever else they could.

It makes me so mad, that this person would do that.

Which brings back to that age old question. What is the problem with dubs?

I understand some dubs where they cut things out on tv and what not. But there seems to be all this hate for dubbed anime no matter what the quality.

Myself i would prefer to watch dubs. If it was up to me i wouldnt call it that. Maybe English Voice Version.

But there is no reason what so ever to hate dubs. I understand some people will say. When they have seen the japanese one its like they are replacing the character when they dub it.

They are not replacing the character. They are simply putting a new life into the character.

Most american anime companys now put a lot of work to keep everything the way it is.

I have watched Detective Conan and Case Closed side by side. The only difference is the names(which were in fact changed by the japanese company to better suit americans) and of course the title(legal matters with Conan the Barbarian, Late Night with Conan'o'Brian)

But other then that, the content is the same, there are some minor word changes, but the story is always in tact(except for one piece...good VA bad 4kids)

And i can say that for many animes i have seen. Because i like to watch both versions. Because seeing the character with 2 voices seems kind of fun.

Those people who say English Voice actors dont put feeling into the characters like the Japanese ones do. That is absurd.

I have seen plenty of anime where the English version matches the Japanese one in quality. Sometimes it even surpasses it.

I have gotten just as emotional in english version anime as i have for the Japanese one. But in my opinion, i would rather focus on the anime then subtitles.

i dont understand how some people can be so prejudice against their own language.

English voice actors(the ones i met anyways) seem to be some of the kindest people out there. They go through it all. The recording method is different here, but that just means the actors have to be 10 times better. When they are talking to a beeping sound they have to imagine whats happening and make it right. And from the animes i have seen they do a hell of a good job.

If you can put that much spirit into a silent room then you have to be an amazing actor.

And as for the people behind the dub. They work their butts off trying to keep everything as accurate as possible. Not only keeping it accurate but they also have to use words in their translated script to match the mouths of the characters.

They go through a lot of trouble just to get pissed on by a bunch of people who have no respect for the work they put into it.

I am not trying to put down either version.

I simply want to get the point across. That anime is still anime no matter what language it is in.

I hope i got my point accross. And i hope nobody here would ignore someone who likes English version anime better then Japanese version. Or the other way around.

Thank you

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeSunday, April 08, 2007 - 8:22:21 PM

I know a lot of people really prefer the subbed versions. And, that''s fine. I mean, to each his own, you know? I''m in the same boat as you, though -- I normally watch anime both ways. Initially, I will watch it dubbed, so that I can immerse myself in the art, as opposed to feeling like I''m missing something because I''m reading the subtitles. The second time around, I will watch the show subbed, so I can have the benefit of hearing both the Japanese and English VAs. I like doing it that way. I know it''s not for everyone, but that''s what makes life fun, right? If we were all alike, it would be boring. ^.~

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeSunday, April 08, 2007 - 9:29:22 PM

I agree eddie. Anime is anime no matter what language that i''ts in. I think that they say that dubs suck because they are used to the Japanese voices. I happen to like dubs and I think that it sounds like there''s more emotion in their voices. That''s my opinion though. Anyway, the actors of both languages work hard and deserve respect, not critisism.

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeMonday, April 09, 2007 - 12:08:14 PM

I can completely understand how it can be disturbing to discover someone you consider a friend suddenly ignoring you. It can hurt and one does tend to feel betrayed. But,
not to sound crass but why do you even care what others think, especially on the age old debate dubs vs. subs? Who cares if someone hates, dislikes or loves dubs instead of subs? I am not commenting to convince you b/c simply there is nothing to “prove” but if this person is really a friend talk to them on the phone or meet with them face-to-face if you can to discuss how you feel. Do not drone on (as you have in this blog) about the merits of dubs. Simply inform them without blame how you felt when they ignored you and leave it at that, if the individual does not care, let it go and move on. Life is far too short to hold a grudge, remain inflexible and stagnated.

All the dub vs. sub issue comes down to is what YOU alone are more comfortable with as a highly SUBJECTIVE viewer/audience. Some people love dubs b/c it is convenient and does not require reading of subtitles. Others argue this is mainly a USA laziness trend (claiming Americans dislike reading) since many international viewers in Asia and Europe commonly have to watch with subtitles but do not complain anywhere as much as USA fan. Still others firmly believe dubs cannot fully capture the subtle cultural nuances and mannerisms found in Japan and especially what was used in the original anime. This is somewhat true since the English language does not always have an equal translation for Japanese expressions and mannerisms.

But what about English subtitles you say? Well while English subtitlers can run into the same concerns, one alternative they have is at least they can add additional information to the subtitle fields (in addition to linear notes) and reduce potentially excluding and rewriting often for lipsyncing purposes the original dialogue and intent of the author and voice actors. IMO this has nothing to do with the ability

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeMonday, April 09, 2007 - 12:09:14 PM

and/or lack of effort by the English speaking actors, I know (but others may not) they try their best as do the original Japanese dialogue actors; as such this is a moot point entirely and one I find holds no relevance.

Also as most of us know when there is intensive dialogue going on there is NOT a lot of action transpiring at the same time. So the belief that if I take time to read subtitles I miss the “action” is not completely true. Especially in tv series when cycling and cutting corners is the norm, during times of discussion full animation and/or action scenes typically do not occur. So, on this aspect watching dubs does not hold any real advantage. Reading is not hard, if you read slow all it comes down to is practice. Reading comprehension and skimming is just an acquired skill based on practice. People who do not want to make that effort have a viable alternative in dubs.

Having said all of this, while it sounds I am against dubs this is not true, I do not hate dubs. I enjoy them IF they are well done and by that I have a standard which applies to both the Japanese and English voice actors, both must bring to life the character AND they must capture the subtle nuances and cultural mannerisms. I always make every effort to objectively study both versions and after carefully listening to both noting changes, I end up watching thereafter what I consider to be the superior version. For the select few that do meet my subjective stand I buy the dvds.

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeMonday, April 09, 2007 - 2:17:40 PM

I think it''s stupid to universally say you like or dislike either version. I don''t like all dubs, and I don''t like all subs. For me it''s a case-by-case basis. Sometimes I think the actors, regardless of language, either don''t suit the characters or just do a terrible acting job, and I go with the version I prefer. Sometimes I don''t have a preference and either is fine.

Yes, some animes are dubbed well, but to make a blanket statement that they''re all done well makes you just as prejudiced, albeit positively, as the people that make the blanket statement that all dubs are bad. Rurouni Kenshin is dubbed extremely well. Sonic X, however, is completely ruined. It comes down to the acting team and the director managing them. A lot of times good actors can be stifled by a bad director, and vice versa.

I think it was out of line for that person to auto-block you just for an anime preference, but I also think you''re just as biased as they are, albeit at the opposite end of the spectrum.

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeMonday, April 09, 2007 - 5:16:53 PM

Leedz, I concur!

re: Dubbed~The E True Hollywood Story(ranting likeSunday, April 29, 2007 - 1:48:27 PM

I fail to see how someone can be so ridiculous and utterly childish over something like this. I have no problems with either one. There are certain animes where I prefer one or the other due to personal inclinations. Plus it''s always fun to play "recognize the voice" without reading the credits. I can, however, see problems with some of the older anime being horribly done. Just an opinion, take it as you will. ~Darkephoenix~