Buffalostyle's Crisis
It's been awhile... last modified: Thursday, June 08, 2006 (12:45:17 PM) It has been a while since I have written a weblog and a lot has happened since my last log.
I have quite a few new cels that I picked up through Yahoo! Jaapan auctions. They pretty much are all over the place as I picked up some Sakura Taisen, Cutey Honey (of course) and (ta dah) Dirty Pair. Then there are the cels that I have bought from other sellers online. All of them are in my 'Coming soon' gallery and they will get moved to the correct gallery when I get my greedy hands on them. Mwa ha ha ha.
As I stated earlier, I've been picking up Dirty Pair cels lately. This show has everything that I like in an anime. Fanservice, girls with guns, good art and humor. If you have never seen The Dirty Pair, I would suggest picking up "Project Eden" or "Flight 005 Conspiracy". I would really like to pick up some Dirty Pair Flash cels. For now, they are just a little past my limit as they average around $150-$200 for a good cel.
One day, I was tooling around the internet looking at Dirty Pair-related sites when I came upon a fan comic called "Dirty Angels". It was a roughly drawn strip that poked fun at anime fans. The neat thing about the strip was that it was drawn by the owner of one of our local anime shops. I asked him about it one day while picking up some manga. He said that he was thinking about doing another strip one day. I hope that he does.
On a sad note, our other local anime shop had to close it's doors this week. I met many people who would become good friends at this shop and it is disappointing to see the shop close. Sure, we will all still find ways to see each other but the shop was a good meeting place for us. Not only was the shop a good meeting place but, we had a viewing room where we would have "Fansub Friday", "Live-action Night" and "Anime Forum". (tears up...sort of)
On the fansub front, right now I'm checking out "Fate: Stay/Night" and "Shuffle". Both of these anime show a lot of promise. Then there is this one anime named "Black Lagoon" that I have seen one episode of. This show rocks. It's about a salaryman who gets kidnapped by a group of mercs in SE Asia. Of course, there is fanservice in the form of the pistol-packin', hot pants wearin' hottie named Revy. While I have only seen one episode, I plan on seeing more. That is, if the fansub pimp can hook me up...